Input Wanted On Development Of 2025-27 Operating Budget

February 3, 2025 ·

Photo courtesy of the city of Santa Monica.

SANTA MONICA—On January 29, the city of Santa Monica announced that it is seeking feedback from residents on the development of the 2025-27 Operating Budget.

Individuals can take the online survey open now through February 17 and will take about 15 minutes to complete.

A community meeting will be held at the Santa Monica Main Library on Thursday, February 6 at 6 p.m. There will be a virtual webinar on Thursday, February 13 at 6 p.m. The link and call-in information is available at

Another community meeting will be held on Thursday, February 13 at Virginia Avenue Park, at the Thelma Terry Building at 7:30 p.m. To take the survey in English visit:

The City budget will run for the period of July 1, 2025 through June 30, 2027. Santa Monica is committed to being responsive to the community it serves. The goal as we develop the Fiscal Year 2025-2027 Operating Budget is to take into consideration community input regarding which city services and programs are most important to you.

The city has engaged Baker Tilly, a consulting firm specializing in assisting local governments, to facilitate a budget outreach process with community members and other stakeholders. In addition to deploying this community survey, the engagement includes facilitating community meetings to inform and engage members of the public regarding budget priorities and the allocation of city resources.

Individual responses to this survey are confidential and anonymous. Each response is sent directly to Baker Tilly. The results will be consolidated and summarized in a report that will discuss the community outreach efforts and will be provided to the City Council.

Those with questions about the survey can contact Suzanne Martin by email

By Trevor

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