Mayor Bass Announced, Pacific Palisades Checkpoints Remain

February 2, 2025 ·

Photo Credit: Jessica Christian

PACIFIC PALISADES—On February 1, in a joint press release the Los Angeles Mayor, Karen Bass, California Governor Gavin Newsom, and the Los Angeles Police Department Police Chief, Jim McDonnell announced that all checkpoints currently in Pacific Palisades will remain in place. Governor Newsom, promised additional law enforcement resources in to keep Pacific Palisades closed to the public.

“I am grateful to Governor Newsom for his continued partnership as we respond to this unprecedented disaster. We continue to adapt in real time to this dynamic situation. This plan secures Palisades and eases the strain on LAPD, whose ability to respond across L.A. has been impacted for nearly one month. My priority continues to be rebuilding the Pallisades as rapidly and safely as possible,” Mayor Bass stated.

Newsom reiterated what Mayor Bass said in the following statement.

“To the survivors of these fires: We have your back, the state will be here every step of the way until your community is fully recovered. By deploying additional state law enforcement resources we’re ensuring the Palisades remains secure while freeing up LAPD to focus on the public safety needs of the entire city.”

LAPD Chief McDonnell reassured the public of the Police Department’s support.

“The Los Angeles Police Department remains committed to working alongside our law enforcement partners to ensure the burn area remains safe. We appreciate their support as we continue to service the needs of all Angelenos.”

The following information came directly from the press release that may be found on Mayor Bass’s webpage.

“Checkpoints and proof-of-residence or entry pass will still be required to enter the Palisades.

On Sunday, resident and contractor access passes can be obtained at 1150 Pacific Coast Highway (Lot 3) in the City of Santa Monica between 10 AM and 5 PM.

Contractors are allowed in the fire area and are required to provide identification and proof that they have been hired by specific residents within the impacted areas.

Contractors must report to the check-in area (Lot 3) each day to be granted access and will be provided a pass to enter.

PCH will reopen one lane in each direction at reduced speeds on Monday. Local traffic only is encouraged. New locations to obtain resident and contractor access passes will be announced Sunday, February 2nd.”

By Sharon

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