Tag: caltrans

Lane Closure On Northbound PCH For Caltrans Nightly Utility Work

December 5, 2024 ·

Photo courtesy of the city of Malibu Facebook page.

MALIBU—On Monday, December 2, the city of Malibu disclosed that Caltrans will close a northbound lane of Pacific Coast Highway from Topanga Canyon to Big Rock in Malibu from December 2 thru December 31.

Work will be done Monday-Friday from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. for utility work. No work will be done on holidays or during rain. Motorists are warned to watch for workers & work vehicles in the road. Traffic fines doubled in construction zones under California law.

By Trevor

Multiple Lane Closures On PCH In Malibu

November 14, 2024 ·

Photo courtesy of the city of Malibu Facebook page.

MALIBU—On Wednesday, November 13, the city of Malibu posted on its Facebook page that Caltrans will close one northbound lane of Pacific Coast Highway from Corral Canyon Road to Latigo Canyon Road in Malibu starting November 13 for about two weeks for rock slide work.

A large mudslide occurred at this site during heavy winter rainstorms in February. A rock fence and k-rails were installed as a safety measure but more rocks and dirt recently fell against the barrier.

Crews will clear slide debris and loose rocks on the hillside during daytime hours. The lane closure will remain in place overnight for public safety. Motorists should watch for workers and work vehicles in the road. Traffic fines are doubled in construction zones, under California law.

By Trevor

Caltrans Lane Closures On Topanga Canyon

October 31, 2024 ·

Photo courtesy of the city of Malibu Facebook page.

MALIBU—The city of Malibu posted on its Facebook page that Caltrans will implement lane closures on Topanga Canyon beginning with the northbound lane starting on October 28. The work will run through November 2.

Work on October 28 through Friday, November 1 will be done from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. On Saturday, November 2, work will be done from 9 p.m. to 10 a.m. for slope work at the site of the large landslide, 1.8 miles north of Pacific Coast Highway.

Alternating traffic with flaggers directing traffic. Proceed with caution, watch for workers and work vehicles in the road. Traffic fines are doubled in construction zones, under California law.

By Trevor

Lane Closures On Pacific Coast Highway In Malibu

October 22, 2024 ·

Photo courtesy of the city of Malibu Facebook page.

MALIBU—On Monday, October 21, the city of Malibu announced that Caltrans will close the northbound and southbound right lanes of Pacific Coast Highway between Topanga Canyon Boulevard and Big Rock Drive in #Malibu Oct. 21 and Oct. 22.

Work will take place on October 21 and October 22 from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. for Southern California Edison utility line work.

By October 23, K-rail will be placed, shifting the northbound lanes toward the ocean and eliminating the median.

One lane will remain open in each direction during work. Proceed with caution, watch for workers and work vehicles in the road. Traffic fines are doubled in construction zones under California law.

By Trevor

Caltrans Lane Closures On Pacific Coast Highway

October 10, 2024 ·

Photo courtesy of the city of Malibu Facebook page.

MALIBU—On Wednesday, October 9, the city of Malibu posted on Facebook that Caltrans will have single lane closures on northbound or southbound lanes with a moving closure Encinal Canyon Rd to Ventura County line, 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. – 6 a.m., Wed, October 9, Thursday, October 10 and Friday, October 11.

Caltrans will also have single lane closures on northbound or southbound lanes with a moving closure Sunset Boulevard to Topanga Canyon Boulevard, 7 p.m. – 6 a.m., Wednesday, October 9, Thursday, October 10 and Friday, October 11.

The project will repair/replace 12 drainage culverts along Pacific Coast Highway from Temescal Canyon Road to the Ventura County line. Work will continue through summer 2029.

Motorists are informed to proceed with caution, watch for workers and work vehicles in the road. Traffic fines are doubled in construction zones, under CA law.

By Trevor

North Lane Of Topanga Canyon Blvd. Closed For Road Work

September 3, 2024 ·

Photo courtesy of the LASD Lost Hills Station Facebook page.

MALIBU—The city of Malibu announced on Facebook that CaltransDist7 will close the north lane of Topanga Canyon Blvd 1.8 miles north of Pacific Coast Highway, site of this winter’s landslide, for slope repairs Tuesday, September 3 through Friday September 6. Road closures will be from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m.

One lane will be open with alternating traffic. Motorists should expect delays and proceed with caution. Drivers should watch for workers and work vehicles in the road. Traffic citation fines are doubled in construction zones, under CA law.

Caltrans noted a slope restoration project would also begin at postmile 4.9 on State Route 27 (SR-27) South of Circle Trail starting August 19. The work will require reducing about a half mile of SR-27 to one lane with flaggers directing alternating traffic during off-peak hours from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. for four weeks. Signs will be posted, and motorists should expect delays.

The slope along Topanga Creek was seriously eroded by February rainstorms, which undermines a section of the southbound roadway shoulder. Caltrans aims to rebuild the slope with dirt and rocks before the rainy season. There will be no work on holidays or weekends. All work is subject to change due to weather or construction-related issues.

By Trevor

Lane Closures For Caltrans Work In Malibu

August 7, 2024 ·

Photo courtesy of the city of Malibu Facebook page.

MALIBU—The city of Malibu posted on its Facebook page that Caltrans will be conducting construction work in the region overnight on Pacific Coast Highway.

Caltrans will have overnight lane closures on PCH from Puerco Canyon Road to Corral Canyon Road starting Monday, August 5 and lasting till Friday, August 9 from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. for stormwater infrastructure upgrades.

The work is part of a larger project rehabilitating 13 culverts along a 25-mile stretch of PCH between Pacific Palisades and the LA County Line, which will continue through summer of 2029. Drivers are warned to watch out for workers and work vehicles in the road. Under California law, traffic citation fines are doubled in construction zones.

By Trevor

Caltrans PCH Master Plan Feasibility Study Workshops

July 3, 2024 ·

Photo courtesy of Ryan Ancill via Unsplash.

MALIBU—On Tuesday, July 2, the city of Malibu posted on its website that all community members are invited to attend workshops to learn about and give input to Caltrans’ PCH Master Plan Feasibility Study on Thursday, July 11 and Wednesday, August 28.

Both workshops will transpire from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. in-person only at Malibu City Hall, Council Chambers (no remote participation option). Caltrans will also hold a virtual workshop on Thursday, July 18 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Register for the virtual event here.
The study aims to identify safety and multimodal travel improvements for all users of PCH in Malibu, including options for pedestrians and bicyclists, as well as enhancing transit opportunities on Pacific Coast Highway (PCH) in Malibu.

The focus of the PCH Master Plan Feasibility Study is to identify transportation improvements that will address safety for all users, including multimodal travel options for pedestrians and bicyclists, as well as enhancing transit opportunities, for an approximately 22-mile portion of the Pacific Coast Highway located within the city limits of Malibu.

The PCH Master Plan will include community stakeholder engagement activities and community outreach meetings to gather input on various traffic calming measures and other street improvements, including a “boulevard” roadway.

The Master Plan will be used in future PCH safety improvement projects. For background information, review the Fact Sheet. For further questions, please contact: D7.System.Planning@dot.ca.gov.

By Trevor

Landslide And Construction Lane Closure Updates

June 3, 2024 ·

Photo courtesy of Wolfgang Hasselmann via Unsplash.

MALIBU—The city of Malibu reported on its website that the City Public Works Department is in constant communication with Caltrans on the closures due to landslides that have been impacting Malibu as Caltrans engineers continue to assess the safety and stability of the slopes and the roadway at the landslide sites in Topanga Canyon and on PCH.

Residents, commuters and visitors should check navigation apps and Quickmap.dot.ca.gov for the latest road conditions and closures or call Caltrans Highway Information Network at 800-427-7623 before hitting the road. For the most up to date information, follow Caltrans District 7 on X (Twitter) at https://twitter.com/CaltransDist7.

Caltrans noted that Topanga Canyon Boulevard between PCH and Grandview Drive was reopened on Sunday, June 2. There had been a full closure of the important route which connects Malibu to the western San Fernando Valley, and which is crucial for the Topanga Canyon community, due to a large landslide following heavy rain in March.

Two northbound lanes of PCH are now open at Porto Marina. A decades-old landslide had moved into traffic lanes during heavy rain in March. The lanes were shifted into the center median, and northbound PCH had been reduced to a single lane since March.


Caltrans installed a temporary traffic signal at the PCH/Tuna Canyon intersection April 10 to assist with left turns onto PCH, as Tuna Canyon is one of the only routes through/out of Topanga Canyon.


One lane of northbound PCH remains closed near Big Rock Drive due to an active landslide. Over the past few weeks, the majority of large rocks have descended.


One lane of northbound PCH is diverted into the center media just before Corral Canyon for a project to repair or replace culverts along PCH to restore endangered fish habitat, and to replace the Solstice Creek Bridge. Motorists are advised to watch for active construction with workers and work vehicles, and a 30 MPH speed limit.

By Trevor