Free Water Barrells For Malibu Residents

January 4, 2025 ·

Photo Credit: Geetanjal Khanna

MALIBU—The West Basin Municipal Water District (West Basin) is giving away free 50-gallon water barrels to Malibu residents on January 11th. The program began on November 16, 2024, and continues through January 25th.

The following information comes directly from a press release that may be found on the West Basin website.

“Interested participants must register at to qualify for up to two free 50-gallon rain barrels valued at approximately $80 each.”

West Basin President and Division III Director, Desi Alvarez, encourages residents to participate in this water conservation project.

“Water conservation is crucial in our region, and our rain barrel program empowers people to make a practical difference without even having to think about it because the rain barrel does all the work for them. By collecting and using rainwater, we can reduce our reliance on imported water and help preserve our precious resources,” Alvarez stated.

California Governor, Gavin Newsom has been under scrutiny after his July 3, 2024, calls for water rationing. Newsom called for California residents to cut their water usage by approximately 500,000 acre feet by 2030. According to Newsom’s plan, Californians would save 235,000  acre-feet of water by 2050.

The collection of rainwater could offer much-needed relief to the arid conditions worsened by wind and water restrictions.

By Sharon

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