WESTWOOD—On December 26, the UCLA Police Department reported that it is investigating an off campus assault and hate crime that transpired on December 24. The incident happened on the 11000 Block Weyburn Avenue and was reported at 7 p.m.
At approximately 6 p.m., the victim was walking westbound on the north sidewalk of Weyburn Avenue as a black convertible with four occupants drove up next to the victim. One of the occupants yelled a homophobic slur, and another occupant threw wads of paper at the victim. The victim was not struck.
The suspects have been described as Four White or Middle Eastern males, early 20s. The victim in the case is a UCLA student.
The UCLA Police Department would like to remind the campus community to:
• Dial 9-1-1 in the event of an emergency.
• For non-emergencies, program the UCLA PD 24-hour phone number into your cell phone – 310-825-1491.
• Always be alert and aware of your surroundings.
• Report any suspicious activity to the police.
• Do not leave doors to buildings propped open.
• Secure your residence by locking all windows and doors.
• Avoid poorly-lit or deserted areas when walking at night.
• Utilize the UCLA Safe Ride Service and UCPD CSO evening escorts.
By Trevor