Real Time Watch Center Opens

October 1, 2024 ·

Photo courtesy of the city of Westlake Village Facebook page.

MALIBU—On Saturday, September 28, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department announced on its Facebook page the grand opening of the new Real Time Watch Center was celebrated at Malibu/Lost Hills Sheriff’s Station.

“Executive members of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, department personnel, and invited dignitaries joined me in the ribbon cutting ceremony to unveil the new innovative program,” Sheriff Robert Luna stated.

The new program is aimed to advance the LASD, the Los Angeles County Fire Department, and the County of Los Angeles into the 21st century. The advanced technology at the Malibu/Lost Hills Sheriff’s Station will enhance the departments’ efficiency, effectiveness, and the safety of the communities we serve.

The Real Time Watch Center will enable real-time monitoring and immediate deployment of resources, for crime-related incidents, as well as emergency response to fires, landslides, and other disasters affecting the local communities.

By Trevor

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