Cinemalibu™ Free Community Movies At Malibu Bluffs Park

July 19, 2024 ·

Photo courtesy of the city of Malibu Facebook page.

MALIBU—On Tuesday, July 16, the city of Malibu announced on its website that Malibu’s CineMalibu™ series is back for another summer of community movies in the park. The free series will run in July and August at Malibu Bluffs Park (24250 Pacific Coast Highway, at Malibu Canyon). The movies start at sunset and pre-event activities start one hour before sunset.

Arrive early to participate in themed activities with the Malibu Library, Momentum Academies, Champ Camp Skateboarding, Joey Escobar Karate, and more. At the City of Malibu booth, show a staff member that you follow the City of Malibu Community Services Department on social media and receive a raffle ticket for a chance to win great prizes. Food will be available for purchase from Ardi’s Eats and Sweets, and D’Amores Pizza.

This year’s lineup includes classic movies from the 1990s:

-Saturday, July 27 – “Space Jam” (1996)

-Saturday, August 17 – “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” (1990)

The series has been presenting free outdoor movie screenings for the community since 2005. Seating is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Bring chairs and blankets. No alcohol is allowed at Malibu Bluffs Park. Dogs must be on a leash and under control of their owner at all times.

For more details, visit or call 310-317-1364.

By Trevor

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