WEST HOLLYWOOD—The city of West Hollywood announced on its website that its annual program of tree pruning will start on Tuesday, September 3 and work is expected to continue through February 2025.
The city’s contractor, West Coast Arborists started pruning work along Sunset Boulevard, taking care not to disrupt westbound lanes until after 10 a.m. to minimize the impact on morning commute traffic. During the coming weeks, crews will move to other commercial areas on Santa Monica Boulevard, Beverly Boulevard, and other arterial streets. Following commercial area trimming, work will commence on residential arterial streets. Each day, trimming will start at 8 a.m. and work will be finished by 3 p.m.
West Hollywood will communicate to residents, businesses, and motorists in advance of pruning work, using several methods:
-“No parking” signs will be placed a minimum of 24 hours in advance of work. The signs will reflect scheduled trimming activities for each day and they will be broken down into two time segments: before 12 p.m. and after 12 p.m. Parking spaces will be reopened as soon as possible after work is completed;
-Door hangers or postings on trees will be placed a minimum of 72 hours in advance of residential tree-trimming activities;
-Electronic message boards may be placed at strategic locations several days before trimming, as well as during trimming activities, to provide commuters with advance notice so they can plan route changes; and
-Notification of trimming activity will be posted on the City’s website and on the City’s social media pages @WeHoCity.
For more details contact Sam Estrada, West Hollywood’s Urban Forest and Landscape Maintenance Supervisor, at (323) 848-6867 or at sestrada@weho.org. For people who are Deaf or hard of hearing, call TTY (323) 848-6496.
By Trevor