SANTA MONICA—The city of Santa Monica posted on its Facebook page on Wednesday, September 11 that street and pedestrian lighting upgrade will take place on Lincoln Boulevard between south of Ozone Avenue (city limits) and Pier Street. Work will take place Monday thru Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. starting September 16 thru December 2024.
The city of Santa Monica contracted with Elecnor Belco Electric, Inc. (EBEI) to implement Phase 1, Pedestrian and Street Lighting Upgrade, of Lincoln Boulevard Neighborhood Corridor (LiNC) Streetscape Project. The project will remove all old high-voltage streetlights and replace them with new energy-efficient pedestrian and street lighting along Lincoln Boulevard.
The project aims to enhance pedestrian safety with new lighting. The work on Lincoln Boulevard spans from Interstate 10 freeway (I-10 Fwy) to Ozone Avenue at the southern city limit. In addition, the project includes traffic signal and sidewalk improvements between Michigan Avenue and I-10 freeway.
Work includes installation of new small size electrical conduit, new foundations, new pedestrian and street light poles with new LED type fixtures, and removal of old streetlight poles. The pedestrian crossings at Olympic Boulevard and at Michigan Avenue on Lincoln Boulevard will be reconfigured and improved with curb ramp extensions, additional signage and traffic signal modifications. Additionally, at Olympic crossings, a new pedestrian refuge median island will be installed with a two-phased safe crossing.
The operation of heavy equipment necessary to construct this project will create intermittent loud noise. Motorists should expect traffic delays, parking impacts, and follow all temporary construction signs. For the most up-to-date work schedule refer to the project website: https://www.santamonica.gov/lincoln-blvd-streetlight-project.
By Trevor