Tag: siren testing

Beverly Hills Full Siren Test October 17

October 2, 2024 ·

Beverly Hills will be doing a full outdoor siren test on October 17. Photo by David Vives.

BEVERLY HILLS—On Sunday, September 29, the city of Beverly Hills tested its Outdoor Warning System as part of our Just In Case BH Emergency Preparedness Fair at Roxbury Park. Three sirens were activated – one at Roxbury Park, one at La Cienega and one at Fire Station 3. This is just one of the many resources the City has to help our community safely evacuate when there is an emergency.

The Beverly Hills full siren test will take place on Thursday, October 17 where all 12 sirens will go off around the city at 10:30 am. This test correlates with the Great Shakeout national event.

During audible testing, those in Beverly Hills should expect to hear a voice command stating:

-“This is a test of the emergency warning system. This is only a test.”
-Followed by a 30 second tone.
-“This is a test of the emergency warning system. This is only a test.”
Following these first two tests, the system will be tested audibly on the first Wednesday of every quarter at 1 p.m.

The city of Beverly Hills’ Outdoor Warning System is a network of outdoor emergency warning sirens designed to alert and warn those outdoors of potential or emergent hazards that may threaten life and/or property.

The Outdoor Warning System is designed to work in coordination with existing emergency notification systems and processes to add an additional layer of notification redundancy in the event of an impending emergency that may threaten life and/or property. The Outdoor Warning System is intended for outdoor alerts and warning.

During an Emergency

The Outdoor Warning System will utilize three (3) different alert types. Alert types are as follows:

-Evacuation orders;
-Shelter-in-place orders; and
-Voice message notification.
-Should this system be activated, community members should look to the City’s additional notification platforms for further information.
-City of Beverly Hills Website: www.beverlyhills.org
-City of Beverly Hills Disaster Hotline: (310) 550-4680
-Radio: 1500 AM
-Television: Channels 10 and 35
-Twitter: www.twitter.com/beverlyhillsoem
-BHPDalert: Text “BHPDALERT” to 888777 to receive text message alerts
-Beverly Hills OEM Alert: Text “BEVHILLS” to 888777 to receive text message alerts
-Emergency Alert Program: www.beverlyhills.org/emergencynotification
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CityofBevHills
-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cityofbevhills

To see where a siren may be located near you, visit beverlyhills.org/outdoorwarning

By Trevor