Tag: online police report

West Hollywood Sheriff’s Station Discusses SORTS

December 26, 2024 ·

Photo courtesy of the LASD Facebook page.

WEST HOLLYWOOD—The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Station announced on the city of West Hollywood Facebook page about ways to file an online crime report.

There is a now a link on West Hollywood’s website to the Sheriff’s Online Report Tracking System. The Sheriff’s Online Report Tracking System (SORTS) is available 24/7 for reporting specific crimes online at your convenience.

Once the individual accepts, they will receive a free copy of the approved report, emailed to them for their records.

Crimes include lost or stolen property valued at less than $950, lost or stolen cell phones valued at $950 or less, Vandalism, excluding graffiti, where damage is valued under $400, and theft from an unlocked vehicle valued at $950 or less.

For more details visit the link in our bio or visit www.weho.org and search “Sheriff.”

By Trevor