BEVERLY HILLS—The city of Beverly Hills disclosed on October 23 that it will hold an informational meeting on upcoming labor negotiating on Tuesday, October 29 at 6:30 p.m.
The meeting will be held at the Beverly Hills City Hall Council Chambers located at 455 N. Rexford Drive. Individuals can watch via www.beverlyhills.org/LIVE.
According to the city of Beverly Hills website, in accordance with state law, the city of Beverly Hills participates in labor negotiations (also known as collective bargaining) with its employee associations or bargaining units. The result of the negotiation processes are written agreements or contracts reached between the City and the City employee associations.
These agreements are commonly referred to as Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs). There are nine represented employee associations within the City, which are all in the midst of multi-year MOUs, which can be accessed at the links below. Additionally, the terms and benefits of employment for executive and senior management employees in the City are governed by an executive compensation plan.
To learn more about our written agreements or contracts reached between the city and the city employee associations, visit www.beverlyhills.org/mou.
To see all MOU’s visit beverlyhills.org/mou. For questions or additional details contact (310) 285-1067.
By Trevor