Tag: Municipal Lot #9

New Public Parking Lot Opens In WeHo

January 8, 2025 ·

Photo courtesy of Gerrie Van Der Walt.

WEST HOLLYWOOD—On Tuesday, January 7, the city of West Hollywood indicated in a news release that it opened its newest parking lot – Municipal Lot #9 to be known as the Crescent Heights Lot – on the southwest corner of Santa Monica Boulevard at N. Crescent Heights Boulevard. The lot will feature 66 parking spaces including two for people with Disabled Person placards or plates, and four electric vehicle (EV) chargers.

The Crescent Heights Lot will be open daily from 8 a.m. to 2 a.m. at a parking rate of $2 per hour. Permanent lighting and landscaping will be completed in the coming weeks. West Hollywood will hold a small, informal dedication with members of the West Hollywood City Council on Saturday, January 11 at 10 a.m. Interested members of the public are welcome to attend.

The Crescent Heights Lot joins multiple city parking facilities throughout the 1.9-square-mile footprint of the city including the parking garages at City Hall, Kings Road, and West Hollywood Park and Library, Hart Park and Plummer Park North and South lots, and the Bonner, La Jolla, Melrose, Orange Grove, Robertson, and Sunset lots. West Hollywood parking facilities offer more than 1,179 parking spaces. Rates and hours of operation vary. For more details visit the Parking Facilities Directory on the city’s website.

For additional information about the Crescent Heights Lot contact Vince Guarino, West Hollywood Parking Services Manager, at (323) 848-6426 or at vguarino@weho.org. For people who are Deaf or hard of hearing dial 711 or 1-800-735-2929 (TTY) or 1-800-735-2922 (voice) for California Relay Service (CRS) assistance.

By Trevor