Tag: Municipal Code Updates

Input Wanted On Potential Municipal Code Updates For Multifamily Zones

December 5, 2024 ·

Photo courtesy of Josh Appel.

SANTA MONICA—On Thursday, December 5, the city of Santa Monica indicated on its website that it is seeking input from residents and property owners on potential municipal code updates that would increase fence, wall and hedge height limits in the front yard setback for certain multifamily zones.

The Santa Monica City Council directed staff earlier this year to draft an ordinance that would increase the height limit of fences, walls and hedges within the front yard setback for the R2, R3 and R4 multifamily zones from 3.5 feet to 5 feet, require at least 50 percent visual transparency above 3.5 feet in height, and address how retaining walls are measured.

Residents and property owners can provide feedback on the proposed changes through a digital survey, available in English and Spanish, through December 31.

A draft of the proposed changes to the ordinance and a summary of the community input are anticipated to be presented to the Planning Commission in early 2025. The ordinance would then go before the Santa Monica City Council for final approval.

By Trevor