Tag: Malibu Community Lands

Phase 1 Of Malibu Community Lands Complete

July 1, 2024 ·

Photo courtesy of the city of Malibu Facebook page.

MALIBU—On Friday, June 28, the city of Malibu posted on their Facebook page that Phase 1 of the Malibu Community Lands project has been completed.

From now until mid-August, the city of Malibu will review all the feedback they have collected so far.

Starting in mid-August, they will return with Phase 2 of the project, where the city will use the input received from Phase 1 to refine questions for the community to aid in the decision-making process.

To review the presentations and community feedback from Phase 1 visit: //MalibuCommunityLands.org/2024-Community-Meeting-Series. The public can view the Malibu Community Lands recap video at: www.//Youtube.com/watch?v=6zlfdJt5kTM.

For more details and to share thoughts visit: www.MalibuCommunityLands.org.

By Trevor

Malibu Community Lands Outreach Project Meeting May 21

May 6, 2024 ·

The Malibu coastline. Photo courtesy of Alia Ollikainen/Shutterstock.

MALIBU—On Friday, May 2, the city of Malibu disclosed that it will hold its first meeting about the Malibu Community Lands on May 21. The meeting is part of a project launching and extensive outreach and engagement program to gather community feedback regarding the future use of five community lands. In the next several months, the city of Malibu will seek input from the community, including residents, businesses and community groups.

The meeting on Tuesday, May 21 will run from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers at Malibu City Hall, located at 23825 Stuart Ranch Road.

According to the city of Malibu website, the meeting will provide background on the Community Lands project and serve as an opportunity for individuals to give insights and engage in meaningful discourse regarding the future use of the following five vacant parcels of land:

-Chili Cook-Off
-La Paz

Those unable to attend the event can provide feedback by submitting a public comment or emailing MalibuCommunityLands@MalibuCity.org.

By Trevor