Tag: Lost Hills Station

Free Steering Wheel Locks Via LASD Lost Hills Station

January 6, 2025 ·

Photo courtesy of the city of Malibu Facebook page.

MALIBU—The city of Malibu announced on its Facebook page that the LASD Malibu/Lost Hills Station is offering a free steering wheel lock.

They are available only to Hyundai or Kia owners who live within the Malibu/Lost Hills Station’s jurisdiction. To claim a free steering wheel lock, contact Sgt. Arens: (818) 878-5555 or jcarens@lasd.org.

To receive your free steering wheel lock, you must:

* Own a Hyundai or Kia

* Live within the Malibu/Lost Hills Station’s jurisdiction

To claim your free steering wheel lock, contact Sgt. Arens:

(818) 878-5555 or jcarens@lasd.org

There is a short supply of the steering wheel locks and distribution will be on a first come, first-served basis until we run out.

By Trevor

LASD Alerting Public Of Community Camera Registry

August 19, 2024 ·

Photo courtesy of Alan J Hendry.

MALIBU—The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department – Lost Hills/Malibu Station posted on its Facebook page that they are building an interactive map of security cameras in Los Angeles County that will:

-Be accessible only to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department
-Increase the efficiency of direct video evidence collection
-Provide immediate contact information to investigators for camera owners
-Enable communities to work together to create a safer Los Angeles County
-Camera registration takes less than one minute via our secure online portal

Registering cameras does not allow the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department access to individuals live video stream – it only enables investigators to know a camera is present at your location and easily request video evidence should an incident transpire.

To register one’s camera go to: https://connectlosangelescounty.org/.

Connect Los Angeles County is a new public safety program enabling the people of Los Angeles County to help keep their community safe.

Participation from the public will enhance emergency preparedness by enabling police, fire, and public safety professionals to better assess and rapidly respond to criminal activity and emergency situations. It will enable investigators to easily gather evidence in case of an incident.

Camera registration takes less than one minute via the secure online portal. Level 2 involves integrating one’s cameras. Businesses and residents can take community security one step further by giving the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department direct access to your camera feed in case of a nearby emergency. All participants need is a small CORE device that you plug into your camera system.

By Trevor