Tag: Lane Closures

Multiple Lane Closures On PCH In Malibu

November 14, 2024 ·

Photo courtesy of the city of Malibu Facebook page.

MALIBU—On Wednesday, November 13, the city of Malibu posted on its Facebook page that Caltrans will close one northbound lane of Pacific Coast Highway from Corral Canyon Road to Latigo Canyon Road in Malibu starting November 13 for about two weeks for rock slide work.

A large mudslide occurred at this site during heavy winter rainstorms in February. A rock fence and k-rails were installed as a safety measure but more rocks and dirt recently fell against the barrier.

Crews will clear slide debris and loose rocks on the hillside during daytime hours. The lane closure will remain in place overnight for public safety. Motorists should watch for workers and work vehicles in the road. Traffic fines are doubled in construction zones, under California law.

By Trevor

Lane Closures On Pacific Coast Highway In Malibu

October 22, 2024 ·

Photo courtesy of the city of Malibu Facebook page.

MALIBU—On Monday, October 21, the city of Malibu announced that Caltrans will close the northbound and southbound right lanes of Pacific Coast Highway between Topanga Canyon Boulevard and Big Rock Drive in #Malibu Oct. 21 and Oct. 22.

Work will take place on October 21 and October 22 from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. for Southern California Edison utility line work.

By October 23, K-rail will be placed, shifting the northbound lanes toward the ocean and eliminating the median.

One lane will remain open in each direction during work. Proceed with caution, watch for workers and work vehicles in the road. Traffic fines are doubled in construction zones under California law.

By Trevor