HOLLYWOOD HILLS— The Los Angeles Police Department has trapped a female suspect with a gun inside a second floor apartment at 1800 El Cerrito Place on Tuesday, August 8, Citizen app reported. The suspect was reportedly in apartment number 46, and being asked by LAPD to “come out with [their] hands up.”
According to Citizen app, at around 10:20 p.m., LAPD received a report about an unconfirmed incident at the Chateau El Cerrito, at the northeast corner of Franklin and El Cerrito Place. Upon arrival, LAPD Hollywood Division officers reportedly entered the building and went to the second floor where a suspect – identified as Lauren and described as a tall, skinny Black or Hispanic female – pointed a gun at them. Officers took cover and Lauren disappeared into an apartment.
A Citizen user inside the building – and tenant of the Chateau El Cerrito – shared a video where you can hear LAPD Officers inside the building, saying “Lauren, we know that you’re in there, come out with your hands free and your hands up! This is the Los Angeles Police Department.”
By 10:27 p.m., LAPD called for backup and barricaded the building. LAPD Air 16 was circling overhead.
From 10:33 p.m. to 10:48 p.m., LAPD shut down Outpost Drive, then Franklin Avenue, West of Highland Avenue and evacuated some of the units on the southside of the building, facing Franklin Avenue.
By 11 p.m., officers on the street outside of the building announced over a loudspeaker, “Lauren in apartment 46, this is the LAPD, please exit the apartment with your hands in the air.”
By 12:20 a.m., LAPD Mental Evaluation Unit arrived on scene, entered the building and headed to the second floor of the complex.
By 12:33 a.m., LAPD broke down the perimeter and reportedly vacated the building. There are no additional details about how the incident transpired or whether Lauren has been apprehended.
Canyon News will be updating this story as news comes in.
By Lacy