Tag: Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count

Volunteers Wanted For 2025 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count

December 18, 2024 ·

Photo courtesy of the city of Santa Monica Facebook page.

SANTA MONICA—The city of Santa Monica announced on its Facebook page that it is looking for volunteers for the 2025 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count that will transpire over three days from January 21, 2025, through January 23, 2025.

The Homeless Count is a countywide event that brings thousands of Los Angelenos together to count unsheltered individuals in the region.

During the event, the LAHSA visually counts people who are experiencing homelessness through approximately 150 Deployment Sites covering the majority of Los Angeles County.

The count is done at night (generally starting after 8 p.m.) to allow most unhoused individuals to settle down for the night.

The data will help collect an essential component in understanding the scope and nature of homelessness in Los Angeles County.

That will be combined with data from the sheltered and youth counts to produce the estimate that will be released next spring. The LAHSA and its partners use the Homeless Count data to deliver services where they are needed most. To learn more and sign up, visit www.count.lahsa.org.

By Trevor