Tag: Child Predator Alert

Public Assistance Requested In Identifying Victims Of Predator

November 15, 2024 ·

Photo Credit: SMPD Booking Photo

SANTA MONICA—On November 14, the Santa Monica Police Department (SMPD) issued a press release requesting public assistance in identifying possible victims of a child predator lurking around the area of the Santa Monica Pier, the Playland Arcade, the Pacific Park, or other areas that would attract children. 

The suspect was properly identified by police as Benjamin Bush. According to the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department Inmate Locator, he was arrested on a misdemeanor offense on October 29th, was given a citation, and released on October 30th. His court date is set for January 29, 2025.

The following information came directly from the SMPD press release.

“On September 18, 2024, at 7:05 p.m., 46-year-old suspect Benjamin Bush, went to the Santa Monica Pier. While he was standing outside of Pacific Park, Bush intentionally displayed a nude photograph of himself to three 9-year-old victims.

Bush was also observed displaying the same photograph of himself to an unidentified juvenile victim inside Playland Arcade, prior to the Pacific Park incident.

On October 29, 2024, following an intensive investigation by detectives, Bush was arrested by [the] Santa Monica Police Department for 647.6(a)(1) PC – Child Annoyance and 313.1(a) PC – Distributing Harmful Matter to a Minor.

Bush is a resident of Rosamond, California (Kern County) and a California Department of Corrections employee for the California Correctional Institution, Tehachapi. He has no prior criminal history.

The Santa Monica Police Department is asking for the public’s assistance in identifying other similar incidents involving this individual.

Anyone with information about this person or investigation is encouraged to contact Detective Baker at Sean.Baker@santamonica.gov, Detective Sergeant Haro at David.Haro@santamonica.gov, or the Watch Commander 24 hours a day at 310-458-8427.”

By Sharon