BEVERLY HILLS—On Tuesday, February 20, President Joe Biden arrived in California to expound upon the fundraising efforts of the Biden-Harris Campaign. Haim Saban of Saban Capital LLC hosted the fundraising event at his Beverly Hills home. He is the owner of Saban Films and co-owner of Celestial Tiger Entertainment. The co-host of the President’s fundraising efforts was entertainment executive, Casey Wasserman.
Reports indicate that both Haim Saban and Casey Wasserman tested positive for COVID following the fundraising event.
Reports also indicate that Biden’s numbers in the polls have reached an all-time low. Biden’s fundraising team had him in a heavily Democratic area of California where wealthy donors are likely to support him. California, at one time, was considered a Republican state and still has a large core of Republican supporters.
A spokesperson for the Biden campaign told the New York Times that more than 422,000 donors contributed funds to the Biden-Harris campaign with 97 percent being donations less than $200 each.
Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) came back to California to assist Biden in his campaign efforts. Pelosi has been quoted multiple times defending Biden’s cognitive abilities which have played center stage in recent events because of instances of having difficulty finishing a statement, needing assistance exiting the stage he’s speaking on, sometimes from world leaders, fumbling, and falling. None of which is undue criticism of the President. It was all captured on film.
On February 13, in a CNN interview, Anderson Cooper asked Nancy Pelosi about possible age concerns when it came to Biden as a Presidential nominee.
“So, I think that, again, age is an objective fact. As I say, it’s all relative. He’s younger than I am, so what do I have to say about his age? But he is, again, knowledgeable, wise,” Pelosi stated. Biden turned 81 on November 20. Nancy Pelosi will be 84 in March.
Multiple media sources have been accused of ageism after repeatedly calling attention to his misspeaks, what appears to be bouts of confusion, blank stares, and fumbling. Some are more blatant like some on talk radio who call the President of the United States (POTUS) a “dementia patient.”
After the fundraising efforts in southern California, Biden and Pelosi were captured on film walking arm and arm to the plane. Though Pelosi is the elder of the two, multiple reporters indicated that it appeared that Pelosi was helping Biden to the plane.
On Tuesday, January 30, Biden spoke to reporters on the White House lawn on the way out to a fundraising trip to Florida. Reporters questioned Biden about his immigration efforts.
“I’ve done all I can do. Just give me the power. I’ve asked since the very day I got into office.”
In December 2023, Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson wrote a letter to President Biden stating, “Immediately take executive actions available to you under existing immigration laws to stem the record tide of illegal immigration.”
By Sharon