MALIBU—On August 22, the city of Malibu posted on its Facebook page that Malibu area non-profits, public schools, government agencies, Federally Recognized Tribes and other California Native American Tribes, can apply now for grants from The California Coast Whale Tail program.
Whale Tail grants fund projects connect individuals to the California Coast and its watersheds through education, stewardship, and outdoor experiences. Grant projects can engage youth or adults and can take place anywhere in California. The deadline to apply is November 4.
A Zoom meeting will be held to guide aspiring applicants through application process on Thursday, September 12, 3:30 p.m. Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/…/tZUvdOqsqjojEtTPHgm5yhKB6gsqq.
Download the grant guidelines and application form at www.coastal.ca.gov/whaletailgrant.
By Trevor