Tag: Beverly Hills Unified School District

BHUSD Holding Donation Drive To Help Libraries

January 20, 2025 ·

Photo courtesy of the city of Santa Monica Facebook page.

BEVERLY HILLS—On Friday, January 17, the city of Beverly Hills announced on its Facebook page that the Beverly Hills Unified School District is spearheading a donation drive to provide books to the libraries affected by the LA County wildfires.

They are asking the community to take part in this effort, where many libraries were destroyed or loss materials because of the wildfires. The collaboration aims to ensure that every student has access to the books and materials needed to succeed, no matter the challenges.

Individuals can help by:

  1. Visit bhusd.org/books.
  2. Select a book and choose The Hawthorne Campus as the delivery address.
  3. The book will automatically be shipped to The Hawthorne Campus.

For more details on rebuilding libraries lost in the fires, visit www.bhusd.org.

By Trevor

BHHS Teacher Allegedly Fired Over Anti -Trump Rhetoric

December 6, 2024 ·

Photo Credit: Ivan Aleksic

BEVERLY HILLS—On December 4, Beverly Hills High School (BHHS) teacher, Joanie Garrett filed a lawsuit against the Beverly Hills Unified School District (BHUSD) for an alleged wrongful termination over anti-Trump rhetoric.

According to reports, Garratt taught at BHHS for more than 30 years. She is now publicly stating that she was fired on November 13. Garratt planned to retire from BHUSD on December 5.

Photo Credit: Natilyn Photography

Garratt was reportedly fired over what she posted on the internet following a student-led Make America Great Again (MAGA) rally held at the school celebrating the win of Donald J. Trump in the 2024 Presidential election.

Garratt’s attorney, V. James DeSimone made the following statement:

“This decision contradicts BHUSD’s policy that personal beliefs or activities outside of work should not be grounds for disciplinary action unless they violate the law or policy. This post was entirely within Joanie’s right of free speech and violated neither the law nor district policy. We intend to fully vindicate Ms. Garratt’s rights and filing this administrative claim is the first step in that legal journey for justice.”

Garratt’s Facebook page indicates that she is a staunch Democrat. She shared her triumphs over Democrat wins in the House and Senate on Facebook.

Here are some of the most recent posts taken directly from Mrs. Garratt’s current Facebook page:

November 23

“A teacher in Norman was evidently fired for sharing a QR code for the Brooklyn Public Library which will allow students from other states to obtain a library card to check out e-books that may be banned in their own municipal school. Here is the offending QR code for those who might be inclined to share it far and wide.”

November 13

“I was just fired as a long-term sub for AP US History. There is no AP teacher to take over. Great for the kids. Why? Because my private FB posts criticising maga and the behavior of students at the maga rally on campus.

Students harassed minorities and white dem students. I never mentioned Trump in class. Just Facebook. No more BHHS INTERACT [Club]. I wear this as a badge of honor, and stand with all teachers, past, present, and future who will be persecuted for expressing their views in public forum. Shame on BHUSD.”

November 10

Sixty-Six percent of Jews voted for Harris. Thank goodness my own people did not abandon our liberal democratic tradition. When in history has the conservative rightwing ever aligned or protected Jews?

32 percent voted for “it.” Clearly, BH didn’t get the memo. What could possibly go wrong when you give one of the most corrupt men absolute power? No checks and balances from SCOTUS or Republican Congress. What could possibly go wrong?”

President-elect Donald J. Trump stands with Israel and the Jewish people. His daughter converted to Judaism upon marrying her Jewish husband, Jared Kushner.

Canyon News found an old Facebook page of Joanie Garratt from 2017. At that time, she shared controversial links that are too risque to notate here.  

Please note the AP substitute teacher’s (13) grammatical errors were not removed as they were part of the quote attributed to her.

By Sharon

BHHS Authorities Limit Student-Led Pro-Trump Assemblies

November 11, 2024 ·

Photo Credit: Jose M.

BEVERLY HILLS—On November 8, the Beverly Hills High School (BHHS) principal Drew Stewart, sent an email out to parents announcing restrictions/limitations placed on the student’s right to assemble. The letter was sent out to parents following an election celebration by students following the November 5, Presidential election of President-elect, Donald J. Trump.

The video footage captured of the assembly posted on social media depicts teenagers, some wearing “Make America Great Again (MAGAO hats, shouting, singing, and dancing to the song, YMCA by the Village People. Some students were carrying Trump flags. One student had a cardboard cutout of President Trump. The students were shown marching and cheering patriotically.

“We have had ongoing exercises of student political speech over the past two days. Starting tomorrow, students will continue to be able to exercise the right individually but will be restricted in their right to assemble. These assemblies have ended up creating a disruption to normal school activities and have left many students feeling unsafe and unwelcome,” Stewart stated.

According to multiple reports, following that the students were forbidden to congregate, and assemble in excitement over the Presidential win.

The Beverly Hills Unified School District Superintendent, Michael Bregy, reiterated  Stewart’s decision in the following statement.

“During recent spirited demonstrations at Beverly Hills High School, staff closely monitored events and acted swiftly to de-escalate when expressions crossed into disruption, ensuring that our schools remain safe spaces for all students.

This moment serves as an important learning opportunity for students to understand the balance between expression and responsibility within a school setting.

Irrespective of, our personal viewpoints around a particular issue or candidate, we all have an obligation to each other as members of the BHHS community to treat one another with dignity and kindness, and even in disagreement – with respect

The following parameters were put into place.

“Flags attached to flag poles, will not be permitted.

Zero threatening, profane, or obscene language, or images may be spoken or displayed.

Students may not assemble, create moving mobs, or form circles for, the purpose of shouting jumping, and physically contacting others.

They also may not assemble with intent or the effect of intimidating, harassing, or displacing other students from where they stand or sit.

These types of behaviors have taken place in multiple instances resulting in students and staff being made to feel unsafe, unwelcome, and in harm’s way at our school. This is unacceptable, and is not allowed by California Education Code or BHUSD Board Policy…”

By Sharon