Tag: public feedback

Santa Monica Boulevard Safety Study

October 29, 2024 ·

Photo courtesy of the city of Santa Monica Facebook page.

SANTA MONICA—The city of Santa Monica announced on its Facebook page on Monday, October 28 that they are asking for the public’s feedback on experiences related to roadway safety, speeding and congestion to inform the Santa Monica Boulevard Safety Study.

The goal is to make the road safer and more accessible for everyone—whether walking, rolling, driving or taking transit.

Individuals can join the upcoming community events and share their experiences on the Interactive Map at: https://ow.ly/Zjfv50TTNA9.

Upcoming Community Engagement Events:

-Trick or Treat @ Main Library – Oct. 31, 3 p.m.–5 p.m.
-City Booth @ Farmers Market – Nov. 6, 8 a.m.–1 p.m.

By Trevor

Phase 2 Of Santa Monica Airport Conversion Project Underway

September 25, 2024 ·

Photo courtesy of Palm.Calm.

SANTA MONICA—On Tuesday, September 24, the city of Santa Monica posted on its Facebook page that Phase 2 of the Santa Monica Airport Conversion Project is officially live and is asking for the public’s feedback.

The city heard from thousands of community members in Phase 1 about what they want to see for the future of the Santa Monica Airport site. The goal is to narrow it down and help the city of Santa Monica understand the community’s most preferred uses.

The Santa Monica Airport Conversion Project is a once-in-a-lifetime planning effort for Santa Monica to create a preferred scenario centered on a great park, consistent with Measure LC. The future scenario will enhance connections to the rest of the city, create a quality public realm and increase the quality of life for residents, workers, and visitors of Santa Monica.

The public process for this project is consistent with past City Council direction to establish a plan for future use of the land, and to address the community’s interest in the creation of parks, recreation, cultural, and educational amenities and to address community goals and priorities as they relate to current and future generations. To understand the legal frameworks and history, visit the city of Santa Monica’s Project Website.

There are five distinct planning phases within a 21-month process (with Phase 3 containing two sub-phases—3A and 3B). Individuals can click on the phases below to learn more about the intent and components of each phase. Products resulting from each phase, including key takeaways from analysis and assessments, project material, and takeaways from community input will be added to this site as the project advances.

Each phase of work includes distinct tasks in the process of generating a preferred scenario for the future of the Santa Monica Airport site. Throughout each phase of work, the project team will engage with the community through a variety of in-person and online events and activities. Ahead of moving on to each next phase of work, the planning team will meet with the Santa Monica City Council to report progress, findings, and community input collected and receive direction.

Visit the project website at smacproject.com to take the Phase 2 survey and watch the latest Virtual Education Session. To learn more: https://www.smacproject.com/#landing-page.

By Trevor

Malibu Community Lands Outreach Project June 8, 13

June 5, 2024 ·

Aerial overview in the city of Malibu. Photo by Aerial Film Studio/Shutterstock.

MALIBU—The city of Malibu is undergoing an extensive outreach and engagement program to gather community feedback regarding the future uses of community lands. Over the next several months, the city will seek input from the Malibu community, including residents, businesses and community groups.

For information about the Community Lands Project, including the parcel maps, background information and calendar of events visit: https://malibucommunitylands.org/.

Submit your input on the future uses of the five community lands via the link below: https://malibucommunitylands.org/Public-Input-Received/.

On Saturday, June 8 (Little League Closing Day) a community lands project event will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. – Community Meeting – at Malibu Bluffs Park (PCH & Malibu Canyon Road – Map)

There will be another event on Thursday, June 13 from 10 a.m. Pop-Up Event – Malibu West Beach Club (30756 PCH at Trancas Canyon Road – Map. Parking on Trancas Canyon Road or Broad Beach Road)

In 2016 and 2018, the city of Malibu purchased five vacant parcels of land totaling over 61 acres to preserve the lands as community spaces instead of private developments. Before any development decisions, the engagement program focuses on dialogue and gathering insights on the types of facilities the community prefers.

“This outreach program underscores our commitment to including the needs and views of all of the community,” said Mayor Steve Uhring. “By actively involving our residents and all community members, and others, we are ensuring that Malibu remains a vibrant and thriving community for generations to come.”

In February 2024, the city of Malibu partnered with Tripepi Smith, a community engagement firm specializing in local government, to facilitate the initiative. The program’s framework, developed in collaboration with the Malibu City Council, city commission members and city staff, will guide the execution of various outreach activities. Malibu anticipates executing the program in two phases: Phase 1 will focus on broad outreach to gather initial feedback from the community, while Phase 2 will build on the input received for more refined feedback to aid in future decision-making processes.

To centralize information and facilitate community participation, the city launched a dedicated website, MalibuCommunityLands.org that will serve as a comprehensive resource, offering background information on the project, guidance for community participation, event calendars, a map pinpointing the community land locations, public input archives, frequently asked questions and avenues for public comments. The community can also email their concerns and feedback to: MalibuCommunityLands@MalibuCity.org.

“Through this extensive outreach program, we aim to empower our community members to actively shape the future of Malibu’s community lands,” said City Manager Steve McClary. “We are excited to cultivate and advance a vision for Malibu that ensures these lands meet the long-term needs and aspirations of the entire community.”

By Trevor